" I am entering my 9th as a state trooper in redacted. We aren’t highway patrol like other states. We handle everything. I have handled some shitty calls in my time, and I used to use my time in the woods and on the water hunting and fishing to keep my mind clear. This past year my wife and I have fought more than ever, and I have no motivation to go hunting or fishing. When I do go, my mind isn’t in it,
it’s on everything else...this past Sunday I handled a missing person that turned into a body recovery. Guy goes fishing, doesn’t come home. We found him. He suffered a medical event, but he’s a good guy, father...he had two kids at home 10 and 13...my kids are 11 and 13...it bothered me, more than I thought it would or should have. I am gonna take the steps to chat with someone about this and other events I’ve handled. But your story resonated with me and I wanted to thank you. "